March 02, 2008

Breadcrumb: Foreseen it...

In the story of Deborah, Barak, Jael, and Sisera (Judg. 4), we are shown Deborah's gift for prophecy. When Barak asks her to accompany him to the front lines, Deborah agrees. But, she says, because of the way he's going about it, God will hand Captain Sisera over to a woman. At the beginning of this chapter, it seems the woman will be Deborah, since she's the only woman mentioned in the story so far. The one-verse insert about Heber (Judg. 4:11) doesn't make much sense. It's only when we realize that Sisera flees to Jael, Heber's wife, that begin to realize what Deborah meant. Indeed. Sisera was delivered, not to Barak, but to Jael, a woman.

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